segunda-feira, 22 de julho de 2013

The Future of History, by Alun Munslow

Book description

From Amazon:

Deploying a range of key concepts such as scepticism, aesthetics, ethics, standpoint, irony, authorship and a new understanding of truth, The Future of History examines history as a form of knowledge, arguing that in the future the multiple forms of its expression will be as significant as its content.

Table of contents

From MacMillan:

The Epistemological Problem
What Do Conventional Historians Do?
Multi-Scepticism and History
Relativism, Ethics and Scepticism
The Modes of Historical Irony
The Ironic Self and History
Standpoint and Subjectivity
Epistomology and Aesthetics
Form before Content
Experimental History
Expressionist History
Further Reading

Click here to buy The Future of History.

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